Rise And Fire - Big 12 Basketball Morning Link Dump - 9/21/2011 Ready for some football, we look back at the anniversary of the first Monday Night Football game on this date in 1970 and tackle the web for Big 12 basketball news. Check these links, then...
Leer más... Rise And Fire - Big 12 Basketball Morning Link Dump - 9/21/2011

David Beckham Moonlights As a Fragrance Salesman at Target (Not Really); Michelle Money Does Hair Tutorials FRAGRANCE • Ellen DeGeneres sent David Beckham to pose as a store employee selling his own fragrance for a skit on her show. He makes people...
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http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=4021649579547285935&postID=6083462455122455659Dancing With The Stars': Metta World Peace Eliminated                                                          ...
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Dancing With the Stars Results: Did Chaz Bono Every week on the Dancing With the Stars results show, you're going in wondering if one of the week’s lowest scorers will get the boot, or if voters will pull a shocker and eliminate someone you'd never...
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