Dangerous Woman Genre
In this seamless, ultimately fascinating, and controversial book, the authors dispute some of the notions that plague their profession, including the time-worn theory that the romance genre contains only one single, monolithic story, which is cranked out over and over again. The authors discuss positive life-affirming values inherent in all romances: the celebration of female power, courage, intelligence, and gentleness; the inversion of the power structure of a patriarchal society; and the integration of male and female. Several of the essays also discuss the issue of reader identification with the characters, a relationship that is far more complex than most critics realize.
Leer más... Dangerous Woman Genre

 Pasión de gavilanes
 "Pasión de gavilanes" is the story of the Reyes brothers, three honest and good-natured men until the day a shocking and unforgettable tragedy makes them go in search of revenge. Their plan takes an unexpected turn when they meet the Elizondo sisters, the three beautiful daughters of the powerful hacendado who they blame for their misfortune.
Leer más... Pasión de gavilanes

Dos Hogares Capitulo 9 Telenovela
ha estado presente telenovela Dos Hogares Capitulo 9 Telenovela que se puede disfrutar de telonovela Dos Hogares Capitulo 9 Telenovela felicitaciones a ver este video.
Poco tiempo después, Angélica hace un descubrimiento que cambiará su vida para siempre: Santiago en realidad está vivo y vagando por las calles ya que sufre de amnesia. Decidida a mantener la reaparición de Santiago en secreto hasta que pueda recuperarse, Angélica empieza llevar una doble vida, por un lado haciendo de enferemera en la recuperación deSantiago y por el otro manteniendo
Leer más... Dos Hogares Capitulo 9 Telenovela